How to Write a Positive Letter of Attestation [See Samples]

I believe you are on this page because you are looking for how to write a standard letter of attestation, you are on the right track, Take a chill pill as we will walk you through all you need to know. In this article, I will give you each data (as well as examples) on how to effectively write an attestation letter. We will start by understanding what truly is the word ‘attestation’.

What is a Letter of Attestation?

A letter of attestation is a letter that is composed or endorsed to affirm an assertion, activity or conduct. The writer is ensuring (confirming) that they know a person or thing to be valid.

What is the Purpose of Attestation?

A formal attestation is typically expected by establishments, organizations, associations, and so forth from legitimate and commendable individuals in the general public as an approach to getting substantial lawful affirmation or confirmation that an individual or a report is precisely the exact thing they are projected to be. It reinforces the organizations or associations decision to proceed with exchange with the person for whom attestation was made.

Who can write a Letter of Attestation?

A letter of attestation can be composed by:

  • The guardians of the one being confirmed for.
  • A clergy (Rev. Father or minister) of the one being authenticated for.
  • A Traditional ruler or pioneer.
  • An Attorney.
  • A previous business associate.
  • Some other individual higher than the one being confirmed for and who knows them quite well.

As such, letter of attestation might be gotten from a minister, reverend or cleric; a parent; a customary pioneer; a lawyer; a previous boss or whatever other high positioning individual who realizes the one requiring an attestation letter well indeed.

One may likewise get a Letter of Attestation from a Mosque, or a Letter of Attestation from Local Government Area, all things considered.

Kinds of Attestation Letter

There are various kinds of letter of attestation relying upon whom it is composed for. For instance, we have Letter of Attestation for

  • A Newly Admitted Student
  • Movement
  • Work (for an Employee)
  • Grant
  • Contract
  • Nigerian Navy, Air force, Army, Police, NSCDC enlistment.


How to Write a Letter of Attestation

Of a truth there is no commonly acknowledged example except for one to write an attestation letter except from the fact the letter must be formal. The letter may likewise adop a semi-formal or informal configuration relying upon the connection between the source and the recipient. In any event, the fundamental stages underneath ought to be followed:

  • The writer’s location (counting city and country).
  • Date of composing the letter.
  • The recipient’s contact data: name (on the off chance that it is known) and address.
  • Recipient Title; Here, you need to write the name of the individual the letter is coordinated to. In the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the name of the individual, you might write “Dear sir/lady” or “To the responsible party in question.” Both are truly OK.
  • The topic of the letter. This must be exceptionally basic and focused.
  • The body of the letter. As you definitely know, the whole thought of an attestation letter is to offer your viewpoint about someone, something, a report, an interaction, and so on, and affirm it. So you do that in the most unequivocal and concise structure.
  • Here guarantee the recipient of your status and accessibility of engage further inquiries assuming there is need.
  • Mark of the source. This is vital as it supports your attestation. After the mark, write your name and contact data: telephone number, email.


What are the kinds of attestation Letter?

There are a few kinds of attestation letter however we will restrict our discussion to the already mentioned types of attestation letter above.

Letter of Attestation for a Newly Admitted Student

Many candidates who have been offered provisional admission into tertiary establishments (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education) are regularly expected by the school specialists to give a letter of attestation of acceptable conduct or character as a feature of the prerequisites for their admission. The main attestation being looked for here is either that of the student, parents or pioneers of the institution to which the ward have been offered admission.


The following is an example/organization of how a decent Attestation Letter for Student Admission ought to be composed. (Extracted from suresuccess)

UNN Letter of Attestation


When composed, the student is advised to change over their Attestation Letter to PDF and save in their email in order to save a copy and might need it when the need arises.

Letter of Attestation for Immigration

Letter of attestation for immigration might be composed to validate for somebody preparing to leave their local country for another. The attestation might be composed by a lawyer, a customary ruler, an authorized minister or some other fame functionary, and submitted at the international safe haven of the objective country.

Letter of Attestation for Employment

When someone is offered a new job opportunity in a formal workplace, they are expected to get the perfect individuals (ordinarily two people) to write a letter of attestation for them. In the letter, the writer will express that they know the individual well and can vouch of their character.

Letter of Attestation for Scholarship

In the case of a grant, a letter of attestation might be viewed as something very similar or basically the same as a letter of proposal. The writer of the letter will vouch that the individual for whom it is composed has flawless person and is reasonably qualifies and meriting the grant.

Peruse Also: Apology Letter to School Principal: Writing Guide, Format and Samples

Letter of Attestation for Nigerian Navy, Air force, Army, Police, NSCDC Recruitment

Those pursuing getting enlistment and the people who have previously been enrolled into the Nigerian Navy, Air force, Army, Police or NSCDC are constantly expected to write a letter of attestation of good person/conduct. On the off chance that you have need to verify for somebody, I will provide you with a decent example of attestation letter. You can decide to change this organization as you like to suite your inclinations. Here is a sample,


The Director of Enlistment and Recruitment,

Nigerian Navy, Air force, Army,

Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC),

Abuja, Nigeria.


Dear Sir,

Letter of Attestation of Good Character

I’m writing to validate the capacity of the under-listed to act as an official in the Nigerian Air force, Navy, Army, Police, NSCDC.

Name: Ahmad Lawan

Reference Number: 124… ../DSSC… ..2022


I have known Ahmad Lawan for over 30 years in my ability of the watchman and guide. He is a charismatic individual with immaculate characteristics. He is likewise a decent devotee and can adhere to orders. More than all that, he knows the importance of deferring to superior..


Ahmad is a nice individual and yet, he is disciplined and principled. He is a great time supervisor and grasps the worth of each and every second. With these interesting characteristics, he will give a valiant effort to keep the military running smoothly.


He desires to be part of the system, and with all I know about him, the system will benefit greatly having him onboard. I believe he has the potential and that is the reason I suggest that you acknowledge his application for commission.


If it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge my confirmation of high respects and thought.



Ahmad Musa

Senior official,

Nigerian Customs Services.

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