9 Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Fresher in AEFUNAI


10 Mistakes You Will Make as a Fresher in AEFUNAI


If you take your time to read this, you will be just fine for your first year in AEFUNAI or any Nigeria’s University.
Making mistakes is all part of the freshers’ experience. But your life will be a whole lot easier if you know the pitfalls lying ahead. I’m a third year student in the den and I’ve come to learn that the ‘lions and lionesses’ you hear in the den are not actually the students; they are real lions in the form of tough courses, tough lecturers, tough rents, tough problems and even tough weather. You get to become a proper lion/lioness when you finally overcome all these.

It starts from home.
Don’t pack too much. Some freshers with their loads be looking like people off for an exile in Mars! Trust me, if you’re an English student for instance, you really won’t be needing your secondary school geometry kit Bring the necessities

Choosing a roomie
For those who will be staying in the hostel, this will be totally left to providence, (and brothers and sisters, say a little prayer on that). If however, you are planning to live off K, you might want to find a roommate to cut down the high cost of rent and save your parents some blushes. You will quickly make a lot of friends who will appear cool and stuff, but for your future sanity, give it some time before figuring out who your housemate could be, before you make your first year miserable already.

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Ignoring the non-drinking events.
In your first semester, a lot of activities are organized to initiate you into the culture of the school. These, of course, include a handful of parties, and then other events where it’s just talk. Okay, so just talk sounds boring I know, but these are the events that will go a long way in helping you set your priorities right. So, go to the parties, but don’t forget the ‘just-talk’ events.

Read also: 36 Useful Advice to the Newly Admitted Students on Campus

Joining Societies and Fellowships.
In your first few weeks in the Uni, you will find yourself feeling like some Prince Akeem of Zamunda Kingdom as a result of the attention you will get from different societies. The catch is; inasmuch as it’s cool to join some of them, you will put yourself in trouble if you commit to more than you can handle.
You should also be wise in making your choices. Think about which societies will look good on future job applications – if you’re after a career in journalism, you’d be silly not to sign up to the student newspaper, for instance.

Locking yourself out.
Even if you are not as harebrained as Nevile Longbottom in Harry Potter, you can still fall victim to this and then all you would want to do is just fall down and die!
Imagine coming home from a hectic day in school to find you have left your key at Godknowswhere! The solution is to entrust a spare key to a trusted neighbor or nearby friend.

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Leaving that assignment until last minute.
If you are someone who has an A in procrastination, you will pay for it with C’s and D’s in your results! Leaving assignments until 3am on the morning of submission can make you prone to mistakes and shoddy work. Do it on time!

Back up that work!
If you think you will never consider suicide as an option in your life, then wait until the day you open your laptop to print an essay ten minutes before submission and you can’t explain how it’s suddenly not there. Get a flash, upload on Google drive, just back it up!

Making friends.
Yo! of course. But don’t forget that no matter how boring and ancient the “be careful the kind of friends you make” advice is, it’s actually very true. Make friends with people who will make your stay here work. Some persons you will meet here have actually been self-designed by your village people to make your stay here uncomfortable. Don’t let them outsmart you. 

Spend wisely.
It’s not every funny looking book brought by every hungry looking fellow that you must buy. You will see books like “How to make First Class in your first five minutes in school!” etc. Learn how to save your money for important things.

You are welcome onboard!


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