Revealed Reasons Why Students Fail JAMB and Why you Should Not


This informative post is all about reasons why students fail JAMB which will serve as a pointer to those who wants to pass the JAMB examination on things not to do or believe in. This post will as well answer the question on

a) Is JAMB Score Upgrading True?

b) How can i get sure Jamb Expo? 

You are, therefore, advised to take some time to read and digest this article. It promises to be the best article you will read before sitting for your UTME this year. Without further waste of Time, lets address the cat in the room.

You’re curious as to why so few candidates today receive a JAMB score of at least 300.
Is it because the JAMB examinations have suddenly gotten more challenging or is now above the candidates?

Listed below are a few of them:

1. Procrastination

One of the biggest causes of candidates failing the JAMB is due to this. They persuade themselves that time is still on their side. Thus, they unwind and occasionally study because JAMB is still a long way off. Before these individuals realize it, they have two or three weeks until their JAMB exam.They will then begin studying old questions, seeking for expo online, and so forth.

Early preparedness is the cure for procrastination.

This was already mentioned as one of the methods for getting a JAMB score above 300.
Hence, begin your preparations right away, regardless of how much time you believe you have left or how far away you believe the JAMB exam date is. There is a lot to discuss. Also, you don’t have to wait until you are hurried to begin. Better if done early.

2. False perceptions about the JAMB

Even though it seems straightforward, this is one of the reasons why students fail the JAMB. The candidates’ perceptions and impressions of JAMB are incorrect. And tragically, it appears that this is passed down from one candidate generation to the next.

Yeah, JAMB is a reputable, industry-standard external exam. Yet many candidates simply overestimate it and think it’s a brutal test. Several candidates are already asking queries such, “What course can I obtain if I score below 200 in JAMB,” even before the exam.

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Someone who asks a question like that on a test with a grade of above 400 indicates that they have already given up psychologically.

While I don’t urge you to overestimate JAMB, you also shouldn’t undervalue it. You must make an effort to recognize it for what it truly is. Create a success mindset while you get ready for the test and you’ll do well.

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3. Lack of Computer Skills

I sometimes wish JAMB candidates weren’t eligible for this. But the unfortunate truth is that a lot of candidates lack computer literacy. And this despite the fact that we live in the computer age and have easy access to computers and other associated technology.

JAMB has been conducting their UTME exams using the CBT format for many years. One of the causes of the failures we see every year is the fact that many candidates are unfamiliar with computers and how they work.

Do a favor to yourself and enroll in computer training. For the time being, a complex training is not necessary. A short period of training will do. Become familiar with the computer. Learn the fundamentals of Windows and appreciate its environment.

4. False information

Many people take the JAMB exam for the first time each year. Such applicants are prone to being deceived since they lack prior experience.

Instead of learning the truth about the JAMB exam, many candidates choose to believe misconceptions. Also, there is a great deal of inaccurate information concerning JAMB. Applicants’ ideas about JAMB expos, score upgrades, negative marking, and other topics vary.

Unfortunately, the majority of what applicants know and believe about JAMB is incorrect. I constantly advise JAMBites to be cautious about the platforms they use to gather information because of this.

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You can suffer enormous harm from only one error in judgment.

5. Cramming JAMB Past Questions

This is a common issue among JAMB applicants. This issue mainly arises as a result of previous problems. For instance, if a candidate doesn’t begin JAMB preparation in a timely manner, they may wind up cramming past questions when they believe they are running out of time.

More so, because of false information about the purpose of past questions, some people cram for the JAMB exam. Previous questions are available to help you understand the format, scope, technical requirements, and degree of difficulty of the test.

You must thoroughly study them using your course materials and textbooks.

6. Bad Studying Habits

Many candidates for the JAMB exam have a terrible attitude about their study. Naturally, there are a lot of causes behind this. The numerous distractions that this generation’s pupils are currently plagued with include social media, international football leagues, and other things.

Others place their faith in expo and other types of exam fraud. They think that what they scored in their SSCE will also work for JAMB. Of course, people are disappointed and produce work they are not particularly proud of.

There is no substitute for studying if you are getting ready for a test like JAMB, which is extremely competitive. You must thoroughly prepare and study. Failure is what awaits you if not.

Success never happens by chance. If you don’t plan for success, then you’ve already planned for failure.

7. Arriving late to the exam site

There is another factor in the high rate of JAMB failure. They are late getting to the exam location.

Being late for the exam location can make you feel anxious. Your coordination during the exam may suffer as a result.

Make every effort to arrive on time. Arrive to the exam site at least one hour prior to the time listed on your JAMB slip. Before they begin screening candidates for entry to the test room, take a moment to calm down.

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This brings to a close this incredibly interesting article. I’m sure that was beneficial to you. Here is what I have to say about the Jamb Upgrade and Expo in response to your question:

JAMB Score Upgrading is a Scam
You may have noticed individuals posing as JAMB officials in groups on Facebook and Whatsapp. Some individuals prefix their names with fictitious designations like “Dr.” or “Prof.” They assert that they can raise your low UTME score to as high a level as you can afford.

Hear me. Scam all around. These are dishonest online scammers who prowl the area looking for candidates to con. Your JAMB score cannot be increased. Nobody.

This is just another reason why I’m making an effort to educate you. If you want to score above 300, you must put in a lot of effort for yourself. Any promise that isn’t backed up by effort and confidence in God is probably not going to work out in the end.

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There is nothing like JAMB ‘Expo’
Many UTME applicants are unaware of this. Of course, a lot of them used cheating to pass WAEC and NECO, so they are unaware of how different JAMB is from those exams. As a result, you can discover them looking up JAMB runs (abi runz), JAMB cheat sites, JAMB cheat websites, and other things online.

But you must understand this immediately. Nobody can provide you with JAMB exam questions and answers before the test. Don’t be fooled by anyone. Don’t allow anyone to con you out of money.

I already mentioned the JAMB Syllabus, which is a guide that outlines what you should and shouldn’t read for each topic. That is a direct expo from JAMB and that is the only one you need.

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