MTN, Airtel, Glo & 9Mobile Free Browsing Cheat 2021 (October)


MTN, Airtel, Glo & 9Mobile Free Browsing Cheat 2021 (October)

 Free Browsing cheat 2021 settings for October working in Nigeria MTN, Airtel, Glo & 9Mobile, Cell C, MTN SA, Flow, Digicel, Telcom, etc. We have provided what you have not seen before are the real working free internet browsing in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, and other countries. Actually, this is the source of most free browsing and you are very fortunate to have gotten here, no here are what you never knew.

MTN, Airtel, Glo & 9Mobile, Cell C Free Browsing

Nigeria Internet Service Providers (ISP) actually have enhanced security that helps close opportunities for free internet websites being tunneled or their cheapest social bundles being used to power all apps. But as imperfect humans, all loopholes cannot be successfully “BLOCKED”, so we have been able to provide “WORKING” and updated cheats (if that’s what it’s called in your country, we prefer just calling it free internet). 

There are still some working free browsing codes posted by top free browsing sites like and others. To benefit, just ensure you follow our updates on this blog and in the telegram group.


So you are searching for the latest MTN cheats, latest Glo cheat, latest Airtel cheats or latest 9Mobile cheat, cell C cheat, this article is for you to read on. 

We have provided our well researched and not fake, but working latest South Africa free internet tricks connected, Nigerian free browsing cheats, Indonesian free internet, Ghana cheat, Sri Lanka Free-Net, Philippines free internet, Jamaican free internet, Ghana cheat, Uganda free internet, Kenya free internet, Indian free internet and so on.

Latest Free Browsing Cheat 2021 (Tested)

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This list below of working free browsing codes are not posted for ranking purposes unlike some websites ranking top for the search term “free browsing cheat”. is one of the rare top free browsing sites you will ever find, so we are writing this long article to help many who are yet to know we exist. So make sure you follow our updates on this website, through the mail, or via our social media accounts.

So how does free browsing work?

Well, that term is well known, you don’t need to be a tech guy to know what it means, with free browsing, you can access the internet for free, sometimes the data is capped, while rarely it is unlimited. 

Though social bundle should not be categorized as free browsing, it is also called such by some due to how cheap the subscription is, you can access all websites and apps with a social bundle meant for only social media.

Why do people search for cheats? Benefits?

Mostly in Africa and Asian region like Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Swaziland, Sri Lanka, India, Eswatini e.t.c the ISP (Internet Service Provider) doesn’t make data purchase very easy for their customers, rather it is one expensive with little data not able to reach students for research purposes in school, workers that own a cyber cafe and another category of individuals. 

So when there are free browsing cheats, people are quick to utilize them before the ISP gets the loophole blocked, people are able to download large files, stream online, and also socialize more with family and friends for free.

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How Does Free Internet Browsing Work?

Free Internet can be used with a tunneling VPN, via SMS, or via USSD Code, but most of the time, VPNs do the work. 

The main reason VPNs are being used for network free browsing is because you can tunnel free websites provided by your ISP through a Virtual Private Network and by doing so, you can use those free websites meant for accessing a specific content meant as strictly authorized by the Network for other activities by browsing, streaming, downloading, using social media.


In the past years, there have been several free browsing settings discovered for various VPNs, we have even provided them on this website – 

Some apps include HTTP Injector, KPN Tunnel, Spark VPN, Napsternet VPN, V2RayNG and the list goes on. Some of them require importing of files known as config files which are still working to date – 2021, while there are new VPN applications that fixed that stress, so such ones have no config files.


Currently, in Nigeria, the most trending cheat is Glo unlimited free browsing cheat, and don’t get me wrong, it is not the one we discovered that requires 2 sim cards which we call Glo night cheat, rather this is called Glo Opera cheat and it works only on a VPN known as UT Loop LITE or UT Loop PRO VPN, all apps and websites work right now in 2021.

Also, if you are from RZA, you should know there are recent free internet browsing for your country, they are MTN SA Unlimited, Telkom Unlimited, and CellC unlimited. They mostly make use of these hosts –,,,,, and the list goes on. 

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It works mostly on only V2Ray/Vmess protocols, so apps like HTTP Injector V2Ray Plugin, Napsternet, and V2RayNG can get it working. So below, we have provided all the working free browsing cheats for several networks for so many countries worldwide.


Required Tools needed to Enjoy Free Internet in 2021

Android Smartphone – at least 1.6GB RAM

To enjoy on PC, get Pdanet on PC & Android

Tunneling Apps like (VPN Apps) UT Loop, HTTP Injector, e.t.c

Config files if available below

SIM Cards such as MTN SA SIM, Digicell SIM, Flow SIM, Telkom, Vodafone SIM, Safaricom SIM, An MTN SIM, A Glo SIM, An Airtel SIM, 9Mobile SIM, Cell C SIM


So these above are just the general requirements, get the SIM available for your network and use them, if your country is not listed on this post, you can still enjoy the free internet settings provided here. So read on to get the current working free browsing cheats for the popular networks in South Africa, UAE, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, India, Kenya, Philippines, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, etc.

Latest Free Browsing Cheat 2021

We are coming home first, so starting with this website region, below are the networks and the tutorials for free internet browsing, all countries that still work. Kindly note, we also mentioned previously working free browsing so you are aware when they are back, such ones w ill be tagged as blocked for now.

MTN NG Cheats October 2021 (Working 100%) >>> View Here

Source: Uchetechs

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