#UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DRAW: How Manchester United Could Survive the Group



Following Today Champions league, Manchester united find themselves in a group of Death (G.O.D.) thus lets analyze how Man.Utd can survive this calamity. 

No. 1: Prayer 

 Prayer is the master key. If manchester united are to survive this; let us pray and hope there is a God of Football. The Lord who did for us before will work again. *lol*. 


No. 2: Give Woodward a Jersey 

Following the outcry by manchester united fans for proper signings and slowness/lazines of Ed fucking Woodward in the transfer market. The best option is to field Woodward in the starting XI. Gentleman please play as a 9. We move. 

No. 3: Sack Ole and Blame Him 

This option should be viable after we lose or crash out from the champions league. Man UTD fans now play the blame shifting game like Chelsea fans. Ed woodward will be happy to have all fingers pointing at OLE while he doggedly keeps his cool and Here we go again (in the words of F. Romano). 

No. 4: Unlocking Greenwood and Rashford 

Lets hope the fire in UTD players be kindled up before the match and hope Senior Dr Rashford and Miracle Greenwood will save us on the day of judgement.

Written by a Crushed Manchester United Fan

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